FREE CHECKLIST: Tips to Inspire Viewer Trust and Loyalty

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Thinking Outside the (TV News) Box

Wisdom and inspiration from the world beyond the newsroom. We’re always trying to understand what the success people are having in other worlds can teach us about having more success in our own. This section is devoted to that quest and conversation. A few weeks ago the New York Times posted an article about an influencer named Jenny Nicholson, whose review of Disney’s now-closed Star Wars Hotel was wracking up millions of views. Thinking it

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The Power of Being You

“Let them see who you are.” –Wendy Rieger When we do research, we ask viewers to describe a news anchor they would love watching and

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Thinking out loud...

Talk About Trust

Building trust…begins with talk about trust — talk combined with action, to be sure, but talk first of all. We are creatures who talk, and

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Tips to Inspire Viewer Trust and Loyalty: Because the Stakes Have Never Been Higher

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Thinking Out Loud

The Art of Being Real

When I joined Audience Research & Development (very!) green and fresh out of graduate school in 1982, the firm’s Managing Partner gave me one piece

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Thinking Out Loud

Nerves on Parade

The appearance of Sergio Dipp as a sideline reporter on Monday Night Football has received a lot of coverage. Most of it has been harsh.

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Thinking out loud...

Pitch Perfect

“My producer keeps telling me that my pitch is too high.” “I don’t like the sound of my voice – I think it sounds too

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Thinking out loud...

Voice of Experience

When security put the United States Capitol Building on lockdown late one July afternoon, NBC Washington’s Scott McFarlane was on the Live Desk. Little about the

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Thinking Out Loud

Chuck Henry Wants You!!!

Conversations about teasing usually focus on what to say, and organizations spend a ton of time and money working to get the words right. But

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Thinking out loud...

Sound Advice

Research is showing that viewers in all dayparts are listening more and watching less, so the way you use your voice may be more important

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