Thinking Outside the (TV News) Box
Wisdom and inspiration from the world beyond the newsroom. We’re always trying to understand what the success people are having
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu varius purus. Nulla facilisi. Proin tincidunt eget ligula eget gravida. Cras consequat libero ut nulla convallis, vitae tincidunt lectus blandit. Aenean neque mi, malesuada nec quam vitae, convallis ultrices sem. In porta accumsan risus, vel malesuada nisi pretium sit amet. Suspendisse rutrum orci in tortor rhoncus, et finibus velit tempus. Aliquam interdum porttitor nibh, ac tincidunt dui.
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Wisdom and inspiration from the world beyond the newsroom. We’re always trying to understand what the success people are having
When Russia invaded Ukraine, this live hit featuring CNN’s Clarissa Ward went viral. Viewers were moved by her willingness to stop her narrative and help an elderly woman up the hill. It demonstrated a kind of empathy and authenticity they respect and value. But from a delivery standpoint, there is much more to Ward’s authenticity than the aid she rendered.
Great anchor teams understand that newscast success can depend as much on team chemistry – the way they work together
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