FREE CHECKLIST: Tips to Inspire Viewer Trust and Loyalty

Barry Nash

On-the-Air and OTT Talent Coach

Barry has been coaching on-air news and sports talent for 40 years — in local markets of all sizes and for networks like NBC, CBS, CNN, ESPN, MSNBC, TVA, and ZDF. Every night, millions of people around the world watch and trust newspeople he’s coached, and talent he’s coached are currently on-air for every American news and cable network. 

Barry is passionate about working effectively with people at every level. Whether you manage a team of beginners or seasoned professionals (or both!), he’ll make research-driven recommendations your talent can put immediate use – and trust to make an immediate difference.

Barry is the designer and curator for TV HeadCoach®, the only app in the world designed to support the coaching and development of news professionals working on camera. The program is designed to facilitate real, long-term improvement — whether the coaching comes from outside your organization or is generated by you and your team in-house.

Barry is also a pioneer in the use of AI-assisted technologies to research and understand how markets value news and news talent. His research firm, VerbAItim Research, administers the only AI dictionary in the industry that has been specifically designed and calibrated to analyze verbatim comments related to news and on-air talent.

As a performance coach, Barry’s influence extends to professionals outside of television news. He is routinely engaged to help attorneys prepare for trial and to help business leaders prepare for high-stakes presentations.

As a professionally trained actor, Barry continues to perform in his own right. He is well-known to Dallas theater-goers as a member of the acting ensemble of Kitchen Dog Theater Company. His performance in the independent feature film, Bob Birdnow’s Remarkable Tale of Human Survival and the Transcendence of Self, was critically acclaimed and won multiple festival awards.

 Barry and his wife, Sandra, are long-time residents of Dallas, Texas.

Barry Nash, Broadcasting Coach

Barry Nash, Head Coach



Barry is the Founder and Head Coach of Barry Nash and Company, the designer and curator of TV HeadCoach® and serves as a Principal Talent Coach for CNN, NBCUniversal Local and ESPN, as well as local news organizations in markets of all sizes throughout the country.


Every day, many millions of people around the world get their news and sports information from professionals coached by Barry Nash.
John Doe

Barry is widely recognized for his ability to work effectively with on-air talent at every level of ability and experience — from beginning talent to network anchors. Journalists he has trained are featured on every major broadcast and cable news network in America, and in prominent network positions abroad.

Barry trained as an actor and has a unique perspective and understanding of the challenge and psychology of performance. Add his deep understanding of the complexity and challenges of news delivery, and you get something truly important and special. Coaching that creates authentic and lasting change.

What Do You Want to Do Today?

Barry can help your team:

Speak authentically & powerfully

Make the most of OTT

Speak & read conversationally

Win viewers’ minds & hearts

Master live shots & standups

Move & think on their feet

Why Work With Barry?

Barry has been coaching television news and sports talent for 40 years and is the only career talent coach in the history of American television. Helping journalists communicate powerfully and effectively on-air has been his specialty since the beginning of his career. Every day journalists he has coached deliver news to many millions of people around the world.

He has a history of working effectively with network and local news journalists at every level — from beginners to the most seasoned and successful professionals. He understands the challenges unique to each individual, and journalists at every level praise his ability to share thoughts and insights they can put to immediate use. He also leads the industry in the use of technology to support coaching. He is the designer and curator of TV HeadCoach®, the only platform/app in the world designed specifically to help journalists work to their potential on-air.

Barry has long been at the forefront of the conversation about what viewers value in talent and how that changes based on platform and community — and that continues now as organizations take on the responsibility of reaching communities OTT as well as on-air. His firm is doing unique and groundbreaking research to understand and track how attitudes toward talent are evolving and how television news managers and coaches can respond to that.

Quite simply, no one has thought more deeply about what it takes for talent to connect authentically and ethically with communities on-air. 

And no one works harder at helping them do it.

Talent Feedback

Talent working with Barry and the coaches on his team tell us they leave sessions feeling smarter, excited, and more committed than ever — and many will tell you that Barry’s coaching helped them move on to even bigger and better things.​


Tips to Inspire Viewer Trust and Loyalty: Because the Stakes Have Never Been Higher

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checklist for journalists

Barry's Blog

Barry Nash

Live Shots and Standups

When Russia invaded Ukraine, this live hit featuring CNN’s Clarissa Ward went viral. Viewers were moved by her willingness to stop her narrative and help an elderly woman up the hill. It demonstrated a kind of empathy and authenticity they respect and value. But from a delivery standpoint, there is much more to Ward’s authenticity than the aid she rendered. 

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