What We Believe
- The world needs good journalism --- and good journalists -- now more than ever. Journalism is a call to truth-telling, and truth-telling has been under sustained attack. Its enemies are organized, talented and relentless. The best defense is professionals who know how to present the truth even more powerfully, even more effectively, and even more relentlessly.
- You can’t separate the message from the messenger. When you care about your message breaking through, getting your delivery right is as important as getting your facts right.
- We are committed to helping journalists deliver the news on camera in ways that will win viewers’ trust and inspire their loyalty. We believe the experience of watching you should be so valuable and satisfying that viewers look forward to coming back for more.
- Newscast delivery is fundamentally a performance discipline. It requires the same depth of understanding, preparation and attention to detail that distinguishes standout work in any performance discipline.
- We research the things we teach. No matter how much we may think we know, we’re committed to knowing more and to understanding better. Our work as coaches makes people more effective and powerful, and we’re committed to working with people who are determined to use their power in the service of truth and the greater good.