FREE CHECKLIST: Tips to Inspire Viewer Trust and Loyalty


Breakthrough Coaching for On-Air News Talent

Talent are key to growing your audience. We have the keys to growing your talent.


Is your research “not really telling me anything I didn’t already know?”

Just like your newscasts, your research has to keep up with the times. You are not going to grow audiences asking the same old questions in the same old ways. We’re using AI to talk and listen to news viewers in ways traditional methodologies can’t. It has us excited, because the future will belong to those who get their first. Learn more here.

Let’s talk about coaching to win.

When more people want to watch your news talent, more people want to watch your newscasts. Hello, I’m Barry Nash. For over 40 years, my team and I have been helping television news and sports organizations around the world grow audiences by coaching their anchors, reporters, weathercasters and sportscasters to connect in ways that viewers trust and want to watch.

We develop talent with the same discipline and tools you invest in perfecting every other aspect of your programs — audience research, technology, professional experience and a passion for finding and telling the truth. When your team needs special help — voice and speech coaching, visual image help, leadership training — we have a team of proven specialists that are second to none. And it’s all supported by state-of-the-art talent research and the only app in the world designed exclusively to support the development of television news talent.

When your team is ready to take their game to another level, I’d love to visit about how we can help you help them get there.



…and on local news programs large and small throughout the United States.


Tips to Inspire Viewer Trust and Loyalty: Because the Stakes Have Never Been Higher

(and receive free on-camera tips via email!)

"Barry Nash will elevate your skills beyond what you thought was possible. He is that good."

TV News Anchor, Top 10 Market

We have everything you need to coach a winning team.

The Coaching Company: 

Research-Driven Talent Coaching

Whether you lead a team of beginners or seasoned veterans, nothing will accelerate their growth like one-on-one coaching.

My team and I will help you grow and develop your on-air team in a way that works for both your budget and your timeframe. Online or onsite. Your place or ours. In English or Spanish. When coaching is a part of your game plan, we can make it work in a way that works for you.

TV HeadCoach®: 

Software that helps your team get better, faster.

Whether you hire a talent coach or you’re doing it all yourself, if you want to ensure your team makes real, long-term progress you’ll want to check out TV HeadCoach®️. It’s the only software in the world designed to ensure your team knows what you need them to do and helps you hold them accountable for doing it.

TV HeadCoach®️ automates the process of great coaching, making it easy for you and your management team to guide and inspire your talent to perform to ways that inspire viewer trust and loyalty. I designed and use it every day to drive better results for clients at every level in my coaching practice.

verbAItim research™:

Research that details what your viewers value most. And why.

We coach delivery better because we understand it better. Using proprietary AI  technology, we look in-depth at television news viewer verbatims related to news talent and newscast delivery. The process tells us what’s really driving viewer opinion and helps us design coaching that goes right at those changes most likely to make a difference. When research is on your radar, we’d love to show you how it works and what you’ll learn.

Whether you’re planning your own research or not, click below to join our Update First List and we’ll keep you updated on our series of national studies tracking what viewers value most in television news talent.

“Some great ratings successes this October. Late news kicked butt. You are a key part of our success. THANK YOU!”

General Manager, Top 10 Market